X-15 A-2 Special Hobby 1/32 - January 2014

On 18 May 1966, with Robert A Rushworth in the cockpit ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_A._Rushworth
) the X-15A-2 56-671 flight 2-44-79 (158/199) provided the first
relatively large-scale tests of MA-25S and the ESA-3560-IIA leading-edge
material (Mach 5.43 - 30,175m - 5,937km/h). The materials had been
applied (as appropriate) to three nose panels (F-3, F-4, and E-4), the
UHF antenna, both main landing skids and struts, both sides of the
ventral stabilizer, both lower speed brakes, and the left horizontal
stabilizer. Researchers instrumented all of these panels to determine
the effects of the ablator. Ground handling resulted in ablator damage
that technicians repaired using a documented repair procedure; the test
would inadvertently provide validation of its reparability. As part of
the evaluation, technicians used various application techniques in
different locations, providing some validation of the proposed concepts.
In general, these tests were successful, although instrumentation
failures precluded the gathering of any precise data from the nose
Want to know more about the construction of this scale model, go to:
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